Op http://www.danubebybike.eu/ een aardig initiatief van de EU in deze tijden van kredietcrisi: een georganiseerde fietstocht langs de Donau in Oost-Europa waarbij accomodatie en maaltijden gratis worden aangeboden!
Welcome to the Danube by Bike Tour 2009.
The Tour is an initiative of European Commission, Directorate-General for Enlargement who is also the main sponsor, in cooperation with the European Cyclists Federation. The practical organisation is entrusted to Media Consulta.
Cyclists from all over Europe (EU member states, Western Balkan countries and Turkey), regardless of experience, are being invited to join the first European Bike Tour along the Danube which will take place from 23 June to 27 June 2009. Participation in the Tour and accommodation during the Tour is free. The Tour will follow the European Danube Cycling track leading participants through five countries including Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania.