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Lars goes America's

Hi Lars,

Helemaal fantastisch al die verhalen!!! :lol:
Ga vanavond meteen even kijken waar je nu zit... geweldig!
Nog even en dan mag ik ook, maar dan wel een andere richting...

Ik houd je op de hoogte van mijn ontwikkelingen via je e-mail adres.

En wat betreft je engels.... ach, als mensen je maar begrijpen....

Rena :wink:

ps. Velen vragen zich af waarom je in het engels schrijft... uitleg?

Hoi Lars,

Wat heb jij een enorme populariteit op het forum. Ik ben benieuwd hoeveel
reacties en aantal keren bekeken je hebt als je weer in Nederland bent.
Je verhalen zijn boeiend en het enthausiasme straalt er vanaf.
Ben benieuwd naar de verhalen en foto's of dia's.
Lars, veel plezier, maar dat maak je toch wel!

Groeten, John.

Komend weekend moeten we een VIP-Room inrichten voor Lars.
Hoi allen !!!
Om maar met de deur in huis te vallen of in Bert z´n VIP room, ha ha :
In het engels omdat het een taal is die mij wel ligt, je je gevoelens er goed in uit kan drukken vind ik, het gewoon lekker schrijft...kweenie, zoiets ???
En ook omdat ik een paar amerikanen enzo als e-mail adress heb. Verder ben ik het gewend via m´n werk.
Thanks John en Bert, een VIP room, ha ha...misschien wel een leuk idee, een room of fame, ipv een walk of fame, op het forum. Van alle grote fietsers der aarde ofzo...
Nou mensjes, ik ga weer de straat op, veels te mooi weer hier in Chiclayo en de vrouwen ook...
Ha, ha, doeiiiiiiiiiiii

Hi Lars,
Betekend dit, dat we de VIP-room bij de Europese Fietsreizenmarkt op 31 maart a.s. voor je kunnen openen en dat je er dan ook werkelijk in plaats gaat nemen??? Wat we zorgen ervoor hoor!!!

Rena :wink:

Hi Lars,
Ik vraag me af hoe de Katadyn Pocket Waterfilter je bevalt.
Ik moet zelf nl. ook nog steeds een waterfilter aanschaffen en vraag me af welke (MSR of Katadyn). Ik zou graag jou ervaring willen weten. Hoevaak gebruik je 'em en bevalt het????

Rena :wink:
Hoi Rena, de vip room voor mij ???? njehhhh, er zijn er die veeeeeeeeeeeel meer hebben ge
Ik heb de catadyn filter, die blauwe. Hij bevalt heel erg goed. Makkelijk dat je er een pet fles op kan schroeven ook en hij is lekker snel best wel, ik geloof 1 liter per minuut. Ik gebruik hem elke dag om 4 a 5 liter water te filteren dus best wel vaak. Wel duur, 220 euro ofzo maar voor mij z´n geld waard en hij is voor de rest van je fietsleven ( 50000 liter ).
Groetjes Lars

Namens Lars,

Hai all of you
Had some really great days in Chiclayo, saw museums and a sugar factory.
Met a lot of very nice women, so manu of theme here, incredable !!!
Pople here are very relaxed and easy to talk to, have a drink with, you name it. Thanks Danny for your spending these very fine days here in this great city !
Now on my way to Trujillo, which I hope to reach in two more days. The wind is throwing some roet in dinner, hi hi, but I'll see what I van do.
Have to close for nos, road is calling .....
Ciao, Lars
Hai pap, thanks for putting berichjt hier maar er komt een iets uitgebreidere.
Rena, ik heb dus de combi filter, heb het maar even nagekeken want was not sure. Hoe is het met de verdere uitrusting, werder alles compleet ?
Ohja, zoals het kopje doet vermoeden ben ik dus inderdaad in Trujillo maar een uitgebreider verslag volgt enneh de VIP room moet dan de VIB room worden toch ??? Puzzle ze en groetjes, Lars
Prijs ? Een plaatsje in de room ???

Hallo iedereen,

V I P of V I B ???????????????????

Wie legt dit aan mij uit ?

Bij voorbaat dank

Henk :roll:

Namens Lars

De hierna volgende brief stond wel in mijn e-mail maar niet in het forum ............ vandaar.

Peru, peruvians, ohhh men .......

Lets start at the beginning : i love Peru. after two cities and their inhabitants I'm experiencing so much fun with the locals I almost put my bike aside, hang it in the wilgen and just stay here, Chiclayo or Trujillo.
I left Chiclayo with a sad heart because of leaving friends behind ............
20 km further I was kissing three girls at a gasstation and forgot my sorrow !
I met a few days ago a guy from the US and he gave me an address of a cyclist house here in Trujillo. Outside Trujillo two other locals escorted me tothe place. And so I met Luis D'Angelo a very nice and warm person who invites cyclists into his house, here you can stay for free, as long as you want. Use shower, kitchen and his wife, no, last one is a joke,but he is so friendly. He showed me books where other cyclists put their comments about their stay in. He is doing this for more than 15 years and I think he is close to a 1000 guests in his house !!!
After a shower I hit the roads by feet, walking to the Plaza Armas. Sitting their and talking to people I had two dates with three girls within half an hour !!! :lol:
One would take me out this night to teach me salsa dancing and with the other two I went the day after to the beach which was very nice! Nicer than the salsa girl cause she didn't show up. Instead of that I went today with the family I stay with to a party of his young girls teacher. So I practiced salsa and merenque overthere ! Had a great time dancing with many of the girls, 19, 20 years old.
My family don't want me to leave, inviting me to all sorts of trips to ruins, places and dinners ......... But adventure is calling also and a little louder. Want to move on, to Chimbote and 26 km further south eastwarths into the mountains again, the cordillera blanca with the highest mountain in Peru. Huascaran, 6768 meters high! From there to Barranca at the coatst again and then to Lima. I am planning to party carnaval overthere. Carnaval in Lima, does sound great doesn't it ????? If the people are as nice as here, men I never want to leave.
Sometimes I can´t copy paste, thats why my dad puts it here for me!!!
Have fun, so am I....

Hi Lars,

Uiteraard wil ik meedingen naar de prijs......... een mooie sombrero ofzo..... of een fietsreisje Zuid Amerika.... is het Very Important Babes ???

En heb ik de sombrero of liever het reisje???

Rena :wink:
Ha ha rena, tja, wat je liever hebt weet ik niet. I´ll prefer both!
Trouwens mijn sombrero versierd met een veer van een brown eagle from the states en een mooi gekleurd lint uit Ecuador. Krijg veel leuke reacties over dat mensen hem mooi vinden.
VIB, bijna goed ! Je zou inderdaad haast gaan denken dat mijn hoofd meer bij de babes ligt dan bij het fietsen, ik licht gelijk een tipje van de sluier op...
Ben nu in de cordillera blanca, heel erg ruig hier!
Morgen naar Huaraz,krijg dan hoop ik de hoogste berg hier te zien.
Still havin all the funn of the world... Ciao !!!
Hello !
Back to work here in Peru after all those nice girls...
From Trujillo to Chao was easy, after that a dirt road into the mountains, 143 km long and only climbing, from sea level to 3050 meters now here in Huaraz. After those 143 km there was asphalt again, pfff, better !!! I`ve cycled near to Huascaran, which is Peru`s highest mountain, 6800 meters more or less.
day after I could sea it from a distance, looking great, covered with snow. From here I go to Conococha which is at 4000 meters, cycle a pass 4080 meters high and then going down to the coast again, Paramonga & Lima.Did you know :
Where you can eat dinner for 62 cents ? Peru
Where a taxi driver works 18 hours a day ? Peru
A hotel cost 3 dollars ? Peru
Children 5 or 6 years old work, selling candy`s or cleaning shoes ? Peru
Or selling cakes along the road, earning less than a dollar a day... yes Peru
Where you can live for 5 dollars a day, including a room, dinner and a blow job... Colombia so I was told in Trujillo by a crazy guy from south africa, ha ha. He was serious though...
A little plastic bag of coco leaves costs 25 cents ? yeah, Peru. They say it it good against altitude sicknees, it is also bad for your stomach, got two times diaree from it so I think i will dump the bag...
But here in Peru people are smiling and laughing a lot to, happiness is not related with money. So isn`t gastvrijheid, beats me what that is in english.
So I still enjoy the country and the people and I`m looking forward to Lima and Nasca where there are lines on the ground which you can only ( good ) see by plane. i`ve seen a picture of one and to me it looked like a fellow from mars or something with those big oval eye`s... There are guestions about these lines who made them...interesting !!!
Well, that all for now folks !
Puke !!!!
Ha ha, hohoooiiiiii !!!!!!!
Yeah, still havin´fun here. On my one or with peruvians. I like Lima a lot, very much old buildings, large plaza´s and lot of people on the streets. Tropical temps makes wandering through the streets a pleasant and always amuzing thing. What do want with 2 meters of white skin, bleu eye´s, a nice smile ha ha, topped with a colored cowboyhat !!!
Ok, the wind... here at the coast blowing from the south, meaning all day wind, strong wind, really strong winds in my face. Landscape only desert. Sand storms blowing in my eye´s...conclusion ? No fun !!!
So I take the bus to Nasca, 450 km south to see the famous nasca lines. Never heard of them ? Neither did I but it are lines in the desert made by old civilisations, around Christ or something. Huge figures on the ground, some 150 meters wide !!! Also one looking like an alien !!! Want to see that and it is possible, by air in a little plane. Looking forward to that! From nasca I cycle again, eastwarts for a long time, to Cuzco. Back into the mountains and a little rain sometime! I hope I have time left tyo go to south Bolivia, to the immense salt lakes. Saving five day´s now with the bus to Nasca my hope grows...
Thanks for all your replies, everytime exiting and fun to read !!!
Greetings, Lars
Hoi Lars, Since 2 minutes I am a member of Werelfdfietser, improving also a little bit on this thing (PC) still learning from Hilda, want to sent you something like a nice card but don't know if this is possible via this site so I'm sending via Yahoo, All the best and much more all the luck in the world.Regards from t.Wil and Hil, Mam.

Hi Lars,

We still do not know the explanation of V.I.B. How much longer do we have to wait........... I'm too curious!

Very Important Boy????
Very Improved Boy????

Ohhhhhhhhhh, can't wait............... frusty, frusty....

Rena :wink:
Ha ha rena, nee, wat zijn wij van deze club nou allemaal ????
Siiiiii, Bikers !!!!!! Sorry, geen prijs ! Okee dan, een stukje om te lezen...Oh en mam, je kaartje onvangen via yahoo, great !!!So, few day´s ago was in a little plane watching the Nasca Lines from the air. Really impressive and worthwile the 40 bucks. From Nasca into the mountains, climbing for days lay ahead of me. Also not know how to handle altitude sickness, I mean I know to do it slowly but that makes me bike only 40 km a day... Well I´ll see and the good Lord had something else in mind...
When I reached a very little place, 8 or 10 houses, no electricity, named Hualluhua at 2300 meters after one and a half day I made camp there with the plan to leave next morning. No way... I felt not 100 %, a little headache so I dicided to take a day rest here.
I tried to buy some cheese, pound for 25 cents..., but the lady of the house siad she had it in the evening. Inside the house, well hut is a better name, were two lovely girls so a conversation started. Tried to learn them some better Englisch and wqe had a lot of fun. But one girl, the nicest, said she had to go for the rest of the day. I asked, where? and she said down to the river with three mules. I asked if I might join here for a couple af hours which was fine...
Turned out to be one of the most fantastic day's !
After an hour walking to the river, way down, we reached a little hut where 10 cows were and a lot of sheep and goats. Learned how to milk a cow and make from the fresh milk cheese. Just poor a little of something in it and the milk stolled, leaving cheese and a wattery subtance. After that we took the the cows, sheep and goets for a long walk to a field to grease ( eat grass ??? ) We ate some fresh fruit from the trees, oranges, some other small fruits and vijgen, mjammie !!!
Then we saw the other girl with also lots of sheep and goats and we decided to go for a swim in a pool in the stream... Had a lot of fun, tried to learn them how to swim but that ain´t easy. Afterwarths lay a little in the grass, enjoying the sun but the we found out that one of the sheep died !!! The youngest girl did a fine job, removing the things inside with my little 3 cm long knife, all we had, ha ha !!!! So we took the sheep back home on a mule, walking 1 and a half hour back above. That night had dinner with them and again a great time !
Day after I left, little sad...but thats part of the game...
And I payed a price for this great day, namely a sore throath. First day I could only bike 20 km, no more. Problems with breathing due to altitude and throat which is getting worse... Also a slight fever, hot eye´s... Shit, not getting sick Lars, are you ???
I´m never sick !!! Not now, please ???
Day after didn´t feel better so again after 19 km gave up, took a lift to a little town and see what happens.
Next morning throat was really bad so I dicided to visit a doctor who concluded it was only my throat and gave me some pills. I was glad cause I first thought it were my lungs, cause I coughed a lot. was a little afraid of a pneumonia but that wasn´t it. The doctor gave me a cure for five day´s, can´t bike like this so decided to take a bus to Cusco... Peruvian Andes win this time... But I´ll be back some day, promised !!!
So now in Puqio, waiting for the 2100 hour bus to wonderfull Cusco, think it´s much better to recover there, must be a nice town !!!
Greetings, kuche kuche, Lars

:oops: :)
Hoi Lars,

Your mam told me that you were sick but doing better. You see, I left your mam at tante Wil's and I came home to Apollo Beach for a few days for a doctor's app't and take care of a few things. Going back tomorrow and hope to take a few days for sightseeing a little next week before your mother leaves again on the 28th to go back to COLD Holland. She sure has mastered the computer pretty good and will need a lot of practice to retain what she learned and to learn more. THINK she's having fun!!!!!!!!!

I had not read your last few e-mails, so I decided tonight to catch up. Very exciting, wonderful and adventurous is your trip. And all those wonderful people and "Babes"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm keeping a book of all these pages. Boy, no wonder that you have so many visitors looking at your site. You make reading your adventures so exciting and interesting!!!!!!!!!!! It almost sounds as if you would like to stay over there in a lot of parts of South America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if you are coming back through Miami. If you have enough time and are allowed outside, may be I can come and see you?

By the way, gastvrijheid in hospitality in English. Ik kom nu tot het einde en zal maar doei zeggen. Goede rijs biking en blijf gezond!!!!!!!!!!

Love, your cousin Hilda 8)