Hello Lars,
I was able to sign on to this site with a username and passwords, so I'm writing you a few words too. I have been following your exciting trip!!!!!!!! I have given this site address to my daughters Linda, Karen and Wendy also. They are following your adventure as well! We (Mama and I) wish you a very Happy, Healthy New Year!!! Your mother is coming to Florida here at Mama's (where I am most of the time now due to Mama's cancer treatments) on January 14 and I'm looking forward to seeing her again!!! It sure was nice to see you in Holland last spring!! Well keep up the great pace you're keeping and enjoy that wonderful adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veel liefs (ook van Mama)
Your cousin Hilda
I was able to sign on to this site with a username and passwords, so I'm writing you a few words too. I have been following your exciting trip!!!!!!!! I have given this site address to my daughters Linda, Karen and Wendy also. They are following your adventure as well! We (Mama and I) wish you a very Happy, Healthy New Year!!! Your mother is coming to Florida here at Mama's (where I am most of the time now due to Mama's cancer treatments) on January 14 and I'm looking forward to seeing her again!!! It sure was nice to see you in Holland last spring!! Well keep up the great pace you're keeping and enjoy that wonderful adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veel liefs (ook van Mama)
Your cousin Hilda