Wie heeft er ervaringen met de fiets (kosten) met Royal Jordanian?

Aangaande de bagage en fiets melden ze het volgende:
You can carry your Bicycle as part of your checked baggage allowance provided the handlebars are turned sideways, the pedals removed, and placed in a sturdy cardboard container.
If your Bicycle’s weight exceeds your free baggage allowance, an excess baggage charge will be applied accordingly

Over de bagage kosten zeggen zij:
Bags weighing between 23 kg and 32 kg, the excess weigh charge will be $100 per bag.
For the 3rd piece of luggage weight 23 kg the excess charge will be $175.
For the 4th and 5th piece of luggage weighing up to 23 kg or 50 pounds, the excess baggage fee will be $250 per piece.
For additional luggage from 6th piece and above weighing up to 23 kg or 50 pounds, the excess baggage fee is $400 per piece.

Wie weet wat er gebeurd als je de 32 kilogram passeert?
Eten de Jordaniërs hun soep heet?
